Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Buffett On Taxing the "Super-Rich"

It will be hard to call Warren Buffett a Socialist, but given what I've seen over the weekend, there is sure to be some who will figure out how to discredit a very interesting opinion among the polarized political climate in the US.

Here's his OpEd from the NYT: Stop Coddling the Super-Rich.


security equipment said...
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Observer said...

The modern day replacement for Armand Hammer....

...Socialism's former Capitalist fuck-toy....

If you know taxes and income definitions, you can identify the misleading statements in his article...

A guy making twice what I make pays twice my taxes under a flat-rate system.....and the USA does NOT have a flat-rate system.

Pavlusha34 said...

Well, I will have to claim ignorance and wait for further guidance on taxes and income definitions before I understand the misleading statements.